Produce of India: Tulsi is majorly found in Maharashtra, Punjab, Begal, Bihar. The height of the plant is 2-3 feet tall.
History: Tulsi or Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum) is one of the most sacred plants in herbal medicine and is believed to be an early manifestation of the goddess Tulsi/Vrinda; wife of Vishnu. After her untimely death, Vishnu transferred her soul into a plant, later called Tulsi.
Tulsi leaves have a powerful fragrance. Tulsi are of three types- black basil, white basil & camphor basil. The flowering time of tulsi is winter and has seeds reddish-black in color.
Active Ingredient: Eugenol (painkiller) (1-hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene), the active constituent present in Ocimum sanctum L. (tulsi leaves), has been found to be largely responsible for the therapeutic potentials of Tulsi.
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